Located between Shrewsbury and Malborough, this is an ideal landing spot for professionals who may not want to live in a city. With a population of around 14,000, many people choose to live here while commuting to Boston or Worcester. There are plentiful schools in the area and is the home to the New England Baseball Complex.
Learn More: http://www.town.northborough.ma.us/Pages/index
List of Northborough Schools:
Elementary Schools (K-5): Lincoln Street School, Marguerite E. Peaslee School, Fannie E. Proctor School, and Marion E. Zeh school.
Robert E. Melican Middle School
Algonquin Regional High School
There is also a choice for high school students to attend Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School.
Learn More: https://www.nsboro.k12.ma.us/Page/1
There are also many private schools as well.